AET Video Library
Check out our AET video Library, which allows users to search and view videos on various topics in AET. Search areas like Student Help, Teacher Help, Explore SAE, FFA Awards, and shared Online AET Workshop.
AET Office Hours
This initiative is aimed at fostering a supportive environment where your AET concerns and
curiosities are given the attention they deserve. Whether you seek clarification on award
criteria, guidance on enhancing your student SAE records in AET, or simply want to optimize
your learning strategies, our AET Office Hours are here to help!
Lesson Plans
This section contains a complete set of lesson plans, which all include an interest approach, activity and presentation content. They cover helping students explore an SAE, create SAE plans, keep records and more!
Ag. Business Management Resources
Video resources and more to help teach agribusiness concepts
Explore SAE
Explore SAE helps develop a strong understanding of SAEs through online videos, educational resources, and personalized SAE Explorer Tool.
Ag Career Readiness Certificate Pathway for the 21st Century (ACRS21)
The Ag Career Readiness Certificate (ACRS21) illustrates career readiness from students engagement, so view resources for teachers, students, and career counselors. These information pieces include items such as teacher training modules, resource folders, AET graphic organizers, presentations, and ACRS21 scholarship information.
Learn more about Michigan Farm Bureau's AET Certificate program. This new certificate allows students in Michigan to use their tracking of experiences to be credentialed in career readiness, leadership, and team-building experiences and gain employment recognition. Learn more about requirements. |
Safety Resources for Online Safety Awareness Certificate Exam in AET
Supported by a funded project from High Plains Intermountain Center for Agricultural Health & Safety (HICAHS). Use this curriculum to educate your students about tractor and ATV/UTV safety. They can then complete the online exam in AET to achieve a Safety Awareness Certificate. |
National AFNR Standards for SAEs
This link provides a summary of common SAE activities and their connections to AFNR Content standards release by The National Council for Agricultural Education. This also offers a final PDF document that contains all standards.
SAE Grading Rubrics

Customizable tools help students have a more complete SAE experience and improves information for FFA award applications. |
Gradable Assignments
Includes AET vocabulary and related quizzes, as well as depreciation guide and worksheet. |
Practice AET Curriculum

Practice AET offers a training area for students to learn about the recordkeeping process. This area offers student instruction for all types of SAE records and key reports to help monitor results. |
Teacher-Developed Resources
Includes tools to help document SAE engagement, rubrics to evaluate SAEs, grading syllabus and other resources. These Google Drive links and downloadable resources are teacher-developed and shared by teachers, so review and use as needed! |