Choose the SAE area that best fits your project experience and view specific step-by-step instructions for each area:
Beginning Values for SAEs Worksheet
Beginning inventory worksheet can be used to help organize items on hand prior to beginning agricultural education that are used in SAE projects. A summary video can also share the steps to add in your beginning values.
SAE Plans/Training Agreement (choose linked here for more resources)
SAE planning or commonly called a Training Agreement is a key part of your experience. View Common project learning areas and view plan resources aligned to your specific SAE.
Project/Experience Manager Videos
View our Experience Manager Video Resources as well as Inactive versus active SAE Projects video.
Non-Current Items in AET
These videos will help students determine the type of item, depreciation percentage and salvage value for their non-current/capital items.
Reflection Tools in AET
Check out fifteen minute video covering ending SAE Values, ending current inventories, and non-current item usage.
SAE Video Library from FFA.org
FFA has a great collection of SAE examples from students all over the country doing unique and creative SAE ideas!