Profile - Student Information
Use the following resources (guides and videos) to get 100% complete!
Profile Checklist Worksheet PDF or Word Version - great handout to help kids get started
New AI Podcast for Getting Students Started (14 min.)
Profile Video - shares tips to complete
Adding Ag Classes Video - Essential to show enrollment data
Student Emergency Contact From Video - Steps to complete & get parents to sign
Updating Your Student Resume - 4-minute video to get your resume complete
Students Using Google Login - Guide and Video
Profile - Student Activities
This section has video and guide resources over completing student PROFILE activities and selecting their SAE project!
Foundational SAE/Career Preparation Activity Video - A simple SAE record to get started.
Student Profile Activities Video is a 4-minute video covering students adding their FFA office positions, committee membership and more!
The Selecting an SAE Project Type Guide (PDF) outlines important steps to begin an SAE project.
View our quick SAE Experience Manager for some quick tips!
Beginning Values & Entering Old Records
Beginning inventory worksheet can be used to help organize items on hand prior to beginning agricultural education that are used in SAE projects. (Linked here)
Also, if you have students catching up records from another record book or catching up years, choose this guide to learn about important steps. - PDF guide