Clay began scoring FFA contests as a middle school student, helping faculty at Tarleton State University where his dad is a professor in Agricultural Economics. Years later, he attended Texas A&M University and received his degree in Electrical Engineering. Simultaneously, he continued to assist Texas universities and contest-hosting sites to more effectively and timely score FFA Career Development Events (CDEs) through developing an electronic, scan sheet scoring system. Through this innovation, JudgingCard.com was developed and is now utilized by nearly 20 states across the nation, including being the official scoring system used for National FFA events.
Over the years, Clay has developed and expanded his services to help agricultural education teachers by developing an event registration system, electronic teacher contact directories and mobile apps. His passion is developing solutions for teachers that are both low cost and, more importantly, supportive of aiding teachers' role of helping the youth interested in agricultural education. He is a recipient of Honorary State FFA Degrees from both Arkansas and Texas and collaborates with agricultural universities nation wide to support the growth and development of agricultural education, which is of course the exact mission of AET.